Saffron and cooperative in Herat
In the past few years, many refugees from Iran returned to their Afghan homeland. In cooperation with another organization, Shelter Now gives the returnees a six-month agricultural training and a starter kit.
About 40 families who no longer own farmland have founded a cooperative under our guidance and support and cultivate jointly leased land. The women of these families have started their own project: the “Women’s Garden”.
Besides cereals, fruit and vegetables, they also grow the most expensive spice in the world: saffron. The “Shelter Saffron” has a high quality. It can be ordered in our office in Braunschweig.
Farmers can earn more with the production of high-quality saffron than with opium production, a real option.
Long-term report on the Saffron Project here as PDF for download:
Project report after completion of the Saffron Project-Dec-16.pdf (339 KB) (in german)
You can buy saffron from us! A wonderful birthday present.
Simply call and order: +49 531 8853957
Or e-mail to:
One gram Shelter Saffron costs € 9.50 (+ postage). There are quantity discounts!

Harvest time in late autumn: The saffron fields bloom abundantly. All help to pick the blossoms.

The women from the cooperative pull the female flower parts, the pistil, from the flowers. This is the saffron.

The farmers proudly present the saffron. About 200,000 blossoms require one kilogram of saffron.